In the wake of the inaugural 1994 Northern Territory Cannonball Run
Finally we are able to bring to light what most of us don't know about. The 'hidden from view' truths. Over the coming months and years we will be adding to this page with all the information we have. This has to be a Great Australian Story just waiting to be told. Fast Cars, Exotic Cars, Muscle Cars, International Racers, Speed, Celebrities and royalty competing, with company endorsements and the ultimate tragedy....loss of life. Now.... the truth starts to unfold. 16 years after the event, the facts started unfold, they started to surface as it was deemed safe to say whats been hidden for years.
The memorial that was constructed on the site of the fatal incident was designed by Roger Linklater in October 1994. Roger is the father of Tim Linklater, one of the two officials that died on the 24 May 1994, 95 Kilometres short of Alice Springs. Tim's brother Simon was waiting at the very next check point doing what Tim Linklater, and Keith Pritchard both loved; being involved in motor sport anyway they could be.
Here is a picture of what the memorial looks like in 2010.
These photos were taken by Gusto Boehm. Gusto is an accredited CAM's professional photographer. You can check out Gusto's creative works on his website
The man certainly has talent. See the way the light breaks through the clouds to back light the memorial. Incredible. Thanks for the awesome pics Gusto.
The following is the Route Instructions for the area of the fatal accident. Day 3 Something to note in here. The sweeping bend to the right, it's not mentioned in the route instructions. Marry this information up with the statement from Graham Lloyd above.... Point 6 & 7... they moved the control point. No bend, and a control point shifted. Both items are not listed on the route instructions.
See for yourself:
Coroner's Report
Check this out... really... this is a quite a few pages long but you just have to have a read of this. This coroners report clearly says who is to blame, without actually blaming them. This is a great read.
So, we thought the Coroners Report was meant to answer all the questions, bring the facts to the table and have all the answers. Here are a list of questions we have after reading the report. In fact we have more questions after reading the report than we started with before reading the report:
1) Why was the pace car 1.5 hours ahead of the field?
Wasn't his job to clear the field of civilian traffic like the hero Lexon driver on competitive sections?
2) How did Moffat get to be first on scene after the Porsche that was in the race?
Where they pacing the field like the Lexon?
Johnny Karlbetzer was the first car on the scene and pulled the codriver from the Ferrari. Moffat was the third car to arrive. Johnny says that he was amazed that none of the spectators or journalists came to help.
3) Mr Yan says he was taking pictures from above in a plane....and then the guys on the back of the Lexon, say they were taking pictures?
Only one picture ever comes to light and no photographer is listed for the Wheels magazine picture, why? What is so bad in the pictures? Surely even in this age before digital cameras the film cameras would have taken some photos. No pictures from the plane over head, yet people say they have seen footage on TV.
What about the Japanese journalists that had their car parked at the checkpoint, where are their pictures, where was their testimony. Where are the official police photographs? These were not produced, not even at the inquest.
4) There was a rumour that a "white car was pacing the field the day before" why was this ignored by the organisers?
The big thing is the pictures... why is there such a lack of pictures both official and amateur? Out of the blue only one photo surfaces that could only have been taken by the Japanese Journalists.
The Court Case.... Now this is some reading you wont be able to put downPDF above... click on this. As with most things on this website, you won't find this anywhere else on the net

Well... This car was certainly hard to find a picture of it. Rumour has it that the Healey is still in Darwin running well as a club car. Now that's a car that has done its time, and still gives more.
Got any more facts we don't know about.... Send us an email to let us know.