26 November 2017
Just had look for the first time at your website and it brought back many fun memories It says on the bottom of the time trial page that if any mistakes are spotted to let you know The photo that goes with the number 17 entry is of a different jaguar Number 17 was a brown jaguar series 3 XJ 6 It doesn’t worry me , but because you asked for details if any mistakes were spotted to let you know Perhaps you might be able to tell me what number plate 17 would be worth now to sell I have stacks of news paper items of the cannonball run as well as photos in case you are looking for anything in particular I have enjoyed looking at your website very much
Keith Mertens
Cannonball 17
Thanks Keith, we have made the changes, and will put a picture of your car up on the Thank you page shortly, along with the photo of your Cannonball Run licence plate number 17