Hi Russ,
We have had the Video put on DVD but were not too successful. In the video, my sons were filming from one of my service cars (we had 2) and came upon the Ferrari F40 crash minutes after myself and Pete McKay were there, there is also footage of the Dodge going through the end of the day 2 flying mile at 244kmh at Renner Springs with people standing beside the road. We were losing traction at 120,130,140 mph as we went over any undulations in the road. The next day the organisers put spectators back 50 metres. Not really safe. The noise of a full race Hemi 426 at full throttle in 4th gear (I used 8,200 rpm as a change point) with 4 1/2 inch exhaust system and running on aviation fuel is impressive and never to be forgotten.
I spoke to Kevin Kent today, who still has the car. My Hemi was 11.8 to 1 compression. Kevin has had my video put on DVD ( his daughter did it), I will get some copies done and send you one
Cheers, Nigel
Very interesting read Nigel. Makes the wait for the video all that harder. Those are some impressive figures above Nigel. Thanks for sharing this with us.